Wednesday, December 31, 2014
Make 2015 Your Year of Romance
The New Years Resolution for 2015 – Its That Time Again!
I have a small poster on my wall, it reads…
What’s the point in having dreams….. if you’re not going to make them happen?
Many of us have ambitions and dreams for more Romance, either in a new relationship ... or in the Relationship we are already in ... that we never seem to act upon, there's always something that gets in the way of making a start. So here you are again, seeing out the old year ... 2014, along with its broken promises and failed, good intentions. Fresh with newly found conviction, you arrive at the New Years resolution for 2015, an annual triumph of hope over reality! Hope, that this time you will have the single mindedness to succeed, where last time you failed. So whats going to make the difference this time?
The way we think, stops us from realizing our dreams. How many people want to change their lives and believe that they cant because of responsibilities? Lack of confidence? Low self esteem, or simply that they fear change itself?
How we think and feel about ourselves is often the difference between happiness and success, or frustration and failure, therefore success and real lasting change only comes from changing the way we think. We are all products of our own thinking.
So, every thought we think about Romance has an impact on us. We respond to our negative thoughts and to our positive thoughts. If you have a history of failing to live up to your own expectations, your memories are loaded with negative experiences .. you find yourself sabotaging your chance of success even before you start.
You may dream of having the most amazing Romantic Relationship as something you are wishing and dreaming of ... and yes, you could chance across meeting someone who is your Romantic Lover! But its down to chance and you have a better chance of flying to the moon, than bumping into someone like they do in the romance books. Pinning your hopes and dreams to chance alone is admitting that you have no control over your future, but it doesnt have to be that way at all.
Making a real change to increase the Romance your life? Well thats a dream you can, make happen! And you can start right here, right now.
You don't have to put up with being ignored in your relationship, you could start planning and adding romantic things into your daily interactions. If you are single, go out and meet other single people who are looking for the same as you. Start off your relationship by doing the fun, Romantic things ... and keep them going ... daily. It takes less effort to make a relationship Romantic than trying to find a new person to share your life with.
Help is there for those who need it. Look for ideas ... we will be posting ideas on this blog for you to get inspiration!
Another challenge is that many people struggle to maintain willpower and being consistent in their Romantic endeavors. They feel that they need help and are often too embarrassed to admit to anyone that they have a problem. Now, many people may have of low motivation and low confidence and self-esteem, the best suggestion is to make things fun, keep it simple, involve the Romantic activities or surprises daily.
Your life will improve if you begin to believe in yourself and your abilities, you will feel more Romantic, more loved, as well as respected, giving you that extra boost to increase motivation, and your enthusiasm will increase noticeably. Some people say it feels like magic because it is so easy to make powerful, lasting changes.
Life is just about enjoying the moment, believing in yourself and your dreams ... even the Romantic dreams!
Having a desire to make changes is good. *** Taking action to start something is even better***. Lets assume that youve decided right now, to start making the changes in your life that you really want to increase your Romance. If you have tried before and failed, you need a support structure put into place as quickly as possible, some action steps, some friends and family to be there to talk to, to help you to maintain your resolve and to keep your thought processes focused on your goal of increasing the Romance in your life.
Life only comes once, it’s quite short and you have to appreciate what’s good in it. So try to get the most out of everything you do and begin to enjoy more Romance in your Life!
You're starting the next phase of your journey, and the future hasn’t been written yet.
Make 2015 ... the year you make your dream of a year of Romance ... happen.
Tuesday, December 30, 2014
Romantic MAGIC MOMENTS for a Magical 2015
Looking for Romantic Tips for a Magical 2015? Want to create thrilling MAGIC MOMENTS for your Romantic Relationship?
Well, look no further!
Daily Romantic Tip to start your day out right:
ROMANTIC MAGIC MOMENT #1: First thing in the morning, before you get out of bed, think about all of the wonderful people and things you have in your life. As you roll the yummy thoughts around in your mind, try to amplify the positive emotion that you feel. A morning started in this upbeat way is likely to flow into an upbeat day, followed by and upbeat evening and, if you practice enough, an upbeat life! Especially if you make a point of smiling, laughing and being helpful whenever possible.
ROMANTIC MAGIC MOMENT #2: Enjoy a morning beverage together every single morning. It doesn't matter if it's coffee, tea or orange juice. No newspapers, cereal boxes or TV. Just pure, devoted time together to talk about the day ahead and to confirm your loving connection. If you have small children, it may involve getting up a bit earlier to assure this important “alone time”.
ROMANTIC MAGIC MOMENT #3: Smile warmly at your mate whenever you notice they are looking your way. Wink.
ROMANTIC MAGIC MOMENT #4: Even when you've had a bad day, always give your sweetheart a smile and a kiss, —it will help you feel better!
ROMANTIC MAGIC MOMENT #5: Always remember to thank your partner for the things that they do: “"Thanks for the help with the dishes,” “I appreciate that you keep the checkbook up-to-date”, “Thanks for washing the car, it looks great”, “Thank you, your help made that job a lot more fun”, “Thank you for being you!”"
ROMANTIC MAGIC MOMENT #6: When your love is talking to you, always make eye contact and really listen.
ROMANTIC MAGIC MOMENT #7: Several times every day, make a point of being physical and affectionate in a non-sexual way. Don't let touching each other only indicate a desire for sex. Holding hands, caressing your partner's cheek, gently rubbing their shoulders or touching each other briefly as you pass in the hallway are all excellent ways to demonstrate your deep and abiding love. There is no such thing as “too many hugs” and kisses on the cheek, neck, hand and forehead are also undeniably sweet.
ROMANTIC MAGIC MOMENT #8: Always compliment your love at every opportunity: “"Great Dinner"”, "“You Look Marvelous"”, "“Good job with the lawn!”", "“That color really brings out your eyes”."
ROMANTIC MAGIC MOMENT #9: When your sweetheart least expects it, tell them how much you love and appreciate them.
Life is made of magical, Romantic Magic Moments, create more of them and your life will be filled with more love ... daily.
Enjoy! Have fun with these Romantic Magic Moments!
Monday, December 29, 2014
How To Welcome 2015 Without Regrets
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How To Welcome 2015 Without Regrets |
This time of year brings festivity and joy as you wind down and look forward to the new year. However, for some, it can also be filled with a tinge of regret. All those grandiose New Years Resolutions set in January fell by the way side as the year moved on. You recognize another year has passed and you’re feeling a little depressed and deflated as you still are not where you want to be.
Looking a little closer you notice those old habits caught up with you around February and in the blink of an eye the year swept past leaving you in much the same place as previous years, except another year older.
Sound a little like you? If so, rather than dwelling on all you didn’t achieve let’s pro-actively take a look at your year and end 2014 without regrets feeling empowered and inspired to make the actual changes you desire in 2015.
So before that time of year comes around again when you promise to yourself ‘this’ will be the best year of your life – you need to focus on what hasn’t worked in previous years to avoid these same regrets following along behind.
The only constant in your life, is you. Year after year if you’re not moving forward there comes a time when you need to look within. Here’s how to end your year without regrets both now and in the future.
With a notepad, pen and a moment of solitude reflect over this year honestly and truthfully by asking yourself these questions:
1. What habits and behaviors have not served you?
- What has prevented you moving forward in your health, well-being, career, business or relationships?
- Is it laziness, procrastination or disorganization?
- Were you not as committed in the workplace as you thought you would be or did you not give enough to your loved ones or friendships?
Now we are going to go a little deeper.
2. Why?
Next to each point ask yourself why? For example; ‘Why was I not committed to work?’, ‘Why did I consistently procrastinate on X, Y or Z’.
This is where you get really honest with yourself because if you don’t understand why you are behaving the way you are – you can’t own it to change it.
The universal law of cause and effect is in place at all times. So what does this mean for you? Well, think about what you just wrote. The effect of these undesirable actions (or lack of action) has caused the effect of ‘regret’ because you are not where you want to be.
We can always find ‘external’ reasons as to why we didn’t achieve all we wanted this year – however ultimately this responsibilities lies within us. Perhaps you are blaming a lack of money, life circumstances or the economy. Truth be told there are people achieving their dreams beyond their circumstances so today you’re excuses fall on deaf ears.
So let’s find out. What were the blocks that prevented you from reaching your desired life this year?
Remember you are not to blame external things; dig deeper to find the cause.
This could be a lack of self-belief, fear of the unknown or not having the courage to step up or speak up. Get truthful with yourself and write these down.
Own these parts of yourself – not to beat yourself up but to recognize there are parts of you which you need to work on. Only when you take responsibility for what is not working and focus on improving these elements of yourself, do you give yourself the opportunity to step up to a higher potential.
The most effective way to move past regret is to find the learning in each situation.
Let’s take the above circumstances for instance. Much of your regret from this year may be due to the things you didn’t commit to or the fears which held you back. Rather than sit in self-pity feeling helpless to change, rise above this and commit to becoming a better version of yourself.
If you have difficulty speaking up and sharing your truth – begin to practice courage in the small conversations and work on increasing your self-worth.
Perhaps laziness kept you on the couch far too many times after work when you know you should have been at the gym. Instead of dwelling on the 5kg’s you are still carrying know that it’s up to you to push past resistance and do the work if you want to see results!
Now there will be situations that occurred this year which were in fact out of your control. We can’t always predict what life throws our way but we do have complete control over how we perceive and react to these moments.
I truly believe opportunities are given to us in the disguise as problems. Who do you need to become or what do you need to learn in order for you to rise above what you perceive as a problem. Perhaps it’s kindness or compassion. Maybe it’s a new skill at work. There is always a lesson if you listen.
Moving into the New Year there is only one thing getting in the way of where you are and where you desire to be, and that is you. You are either stuck in all the reasons and excuses as to why you can’t get results or you are out there getting results!
You deserve to live to your true potential so harness courage, be brave and this coming year push past resistance and fear and go after what it is you truly want. No excuses!
Source: How to end the year without regrets
Saturday, December 27, 2014
Find out the Science behind Dating Techniques
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Find out the Science behind Dating Techniques, Click Below to watch |
Hmmm ... ever wondered whether Dating Techniques work, or are they overrated ... AND how does the average, everyday guy rate.
An eye opener of a video as it shows the reactions of both the guys and the girls afterwards.
It is also a bit of fun!
Click Below to watch the Video
Friday, December 26, 2014
Love in Action
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Click on the Video Below to watch and be inspired! |
Sometimes your see a real life, living expression of Love in Action. Chris Medina auditioned for American Idol, his inspiration is his fiance who soon after they were engaged was involved in an accident. Today she is confined to a wheelchair and Chris is her care-giver!
A beautiful story, and great video ... enjoy!
Thursday, December 25, 2014
Spend Time With Those You Love
Spending time with those you Love can be the most fun ... or the most trying!
What we do know is ... taking the time, making the effort and going the extra mile are what memories are made of.
There is a really great theory that says that 95% of everything is excellent, and 5% is often the problem "bits". Unfortunately many of us focus on the 5% and give it all the energy.
What would happen if we did focus on the great .. the magical and the truly amazing time we spend together, the 95% where we are connecting and having fun?
Are you going to take the opportunity to create some long lasting memories and be someone who says ... "I am glad I did"?
Have a magical Christmas celebration with your loved ones ... and make it a memorable Christmas 2014!
Source: Spend Time With Those You Love
Heal the hurts ....
Manifest Your Man!!
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Watch the Video ... |
Wednesday, December 24, 2014
Increase Your Happiness!
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Click Below to Watch! |
On the 25th December many of us connect with family, friends, and the people who mean the most to us!
The Science of Happiness show how powerful increasing your happiness can be, and the ripple effects ... for those who expressed their gratitude they were able to increase their happiness by up to 19%.
Who wants some of this?
Click below to watch this incredible video!
The Science of Happiness
Tuesday, December 23, 2014
5 Ways to Get Your Happiness Muscle Working!
With millions of people constantly on the lookout for the pure and unadulterated emotion, it can be easy to look for happiness in all the wrong places.
According to neuroscientist Dr. Richard Davidson, deep within all of us, whether young or old, is a “happiness muscle.” He explained how happiness is something we can train our minds to have, just like when we hit the gym and train rigorously to pump our muscles. This is supported by related studies which prove that the human brain is very much trainable. Ideas, habits and practices that are geared toward finding and keeping happiness can help people achieve deep satisfaction and live fuller lives.
Research methods may vary, but all of them mean one thing… happiness is not a brand new car, and it isn’t certainly isn’t getting ahead at work. There is no need to search far and wide for happiness, because it is a seed that is just waiting to be cultivated within the heart of each individual who seeks it. Only you have the power to turn on your happiness button. Here are some ways to find your happy today!
Soak up some sunlight: To kick off your day with a great start, take a walk outside in the morning. Even on a cloudy day, the outside light can do incredible things for your mood. As your eyes receive natural sunlight, they immediately send signals to your brain, which then boosts the production of serotonin, aka “the happy hormone.” Serotonin keeps your anxiety levels down, regulates your mood and boosts your sexuality and appetite.
Indulge in a childhood favorite: There is always something from your childhood that gives you a warm feeling all over. Is it the smell of apple cinnamon cookies wafting through your home? Is it skipping rocks on the river during lazy afternoons? Is it homemade jam? Bringing back these favorite things as an adult will make you feel just as carefree and happy again as if you were a kid.
Contact an old friend: Friends are indispensable parts of our lives. We lose touch, but we will always feel happy about the times we spent with a special person. Revisiting happy old days and catching up with an old friend can help you boost your morale and allow you to find more meaning in your life. Relationships and experiences are a major factor behind a person’s sense of well-being.
Do something different: A unique spike in your daily life can add an instant splash of color and excitement. If you always take the train, try the bus today. If all your work clothes are neutrals, try pastels or bolder hues. Talk to a stranger, verbalize an idea at the board meeting, or cook something you have never tried before. It’s not about becoming successful or finding positive results (although those would be great additions). Being proud of yourself for trying something new is a great happiness booster.
Be thankful: If your mindset is “I could be happy if…”, then it’s about time that you changed it to “I will be happy because…”.
When tempted with feelings of disappointment, jealousy and frustration of what you don’t have, close your eyes and think about what you are thankful for, big or small. A grateful outlook in life allows you to change your perspective and appreciate what you do have without constantly wishing away your life.
Source: 5 Ways to Get Happy Today
According to neuroscientist Dr. Richard Davidson, deep within all of us, whether young or old, is a “happiness muscle.” He explained how happiness is something we can train our minds to have, just like when we hit the gym and train rigorously to pump our muscles. This is supported by related studies which prove that the human brain is very much trainable. Ideas, habits and practices that are geared toward finding and keeping happiness can help people achieve deep satisfaction and live fuller lives.
Research methods may vary, but all of them mean one thing… happiness is not a brand new car, and it isn’t certainly isn’t getting ahead at work. There is no need to search far and wide for happiness, because it is a seed that is just waiting to be cultivated within the heart of each individual who seeks it. Only you have the power to turn on your happiness button. Here are some ways to find your happy today!
Soak up some sunlight: To kick off your day with a great start, take a walk outside in the morning. Even on a cloudy day, the outside light can do incredible things for your mood. As your eyes receive natural sunlight, they immediately send signals to your brain, which then boosts the production of serotonin, aka “the happy hormone.” Serotonin keeps your anxiety levels down, regulates your mood and boosts your sexuality and appetite.
Indulge in a childhood favorite: There is always something from your childhood that gives you a warm feeling all over. Is it the smell of apple cinnamon cookies wafting through your home? Is it skipping rocks on the river during lazy afternoons? Is it homemade jam? Bringing back these favorite things as an adult will make you feel just as carefree and happy again as if you were a kid.
Contact an old friend: Friends are indispensable parts of our lives. We lose touch, but we will always feel happy about the times we spent with a special person. Revisiting happy old days and catching up with an old friend can help you boost your morale and allow you to find more meaning in your life. Relationships and experiences are a major factor behind a person’s sense of well-being.
Do something different: A unique spike in your daily life can add an instant splash of color and excitement. If you always take the train, try the bus today. If all your work clothes are neutrals, try pastels or bolder hues. Talk to a stranger, verbalize an idea at the board meeting, or cook something you have never tried before. It’s not about becoming successful or finding positive results (although those would be great additions). Being proud of yourself for trying something new is a great happiness booster.
Be thankful: If your mindset is “I could be happy if…”, then it’s about time that you changed it to “I will be happy because…”.
When tempted with feelings of disappointment, jealousy and frustration of what you don’t have, close your eyes and think about what you are thankful for, big or small. A grateful outlook in life allows you to change your perspective and appreciate what you do have without constantly wishing away your life.
Source: 5 Ways to Get Happy Today
Sunday, December 21, 2014
5 Ways to Get Your Relationship Out of a Rut
You don't have to be in a relationship too long before you realize that it isn't always lemon drops and gumdrops.
Sure, it can be the most enlightening, peaceful and enriching thing in the world, but it can also be the most difficult and challenging thing as well. And, sometimes, it's not challenging or exciting. It's just bland.
Being in a relationship definitely has its ups and downs. The secret is to make sure that it has more ups than downs. Instead of waiting for the stars to re-align and suddenly make it go well again, there are things that you can do to make sure that you start your relationship back on an upswing sooner than later.
5 Ways to get your relationship out of a rut
1. Be deliberate
Everybody knows relationships have their ups and downs. Most of the time, when it is in a slump, couples will just wait it out. After all, if you've been together for any amount of time you know that it will start to get better soon anyway.
Waiting it out isn't a bad idea, but it's also unnecessary. Instead of waiting for the tides to turn, do something deliberate. Plan a romantic evening, hire a babysitter, go to the movies, etc. Do anything other than what you're currently doing. It's what you're currently doing that is causing the rut your relationship is in. Do something deliberate to start getting it out.
2. Talk about the elephant in the room
You usually know when your relationship is in a rut. Think about it. You usually don't look forward to seeing your spouse as much. You don't talk together as much. And you don't make love as often, either. Instead of just staying in silence, talk about it out loud. Try to stay away from accusations or anything demeaning. A simple, "Honey, I don't feel like we've done anything fun together for a while," will do. Then, think of some suggestions of things you can do that will bring you closer.
3. Make intimacy a priority
The bedroom is a metaphor for your relationship. If the bedroom is stale and boring, your relationship will be stale and boring. And the reciprocal is true as well. That is, if your relationship is stale and boring, your bedroom will be, too. Sure, you can focus on something outside the bedroom to re-create some spark (and you should) but you can also focus on some things inside the bedroom. You'd be surprised how this will affect the rest of your relationship.
4. Check yourself
When a relationship is in a rut there's always something someone has done to get it there. A relationship takes two. That means that if your relationship is in a rut, you've done something to help get it there. That doesn't mean it's all your fault, but it does mean that there's something you can do to fix it. Just stop doing whatever you did that contributed to the rut in the first place. There's no shame in owning it. Take a good, long look at yourself and see what you did to help you land here. Then take the steps to get yourself out.
5. Books, blogs and articles
As a marriage counselor, Aaron Anderson, recommends a lot of books to couples who are having challenges in their relationship. He has also had a lot of couples who come to him after having read a few articles and tell him how helpful it was for them. Anything you do to help your relationship is better than nothing. And while there is a lot of bad information on the Internet, there's a lot of good stuff, too. You can also take a stroll through your local library or book store. There are all kinds of books out there on all kinds of topics. One of them has got to be decent for you.
So instead of waiting for the stars to re-align, take charge of your relationship and do something to get it out of the rut. It might now make everything better, but at least you'll get started down the right path. And it'll happen a lot sooner than an astronomical event.
Source: 5 Ways to get your Relationship out of a Rut
Sure, it can be the most enlightening, peaceful and enriching thing in the world, but it can also be the most difficult and challenging thing as well. And, sometimes, it's not challenging or exciting. It's just bland.
Being in a relationship definitely has its ups and downs. The secret is to make sure that it has more ups than downs. Instead of waiting for the stars to re-align and suddenly make it go well again, there are things that you can do to make sure that you start your relationship back on an upswing sooner than later.
5 Ways to get your relationship out of a rut
1. Be deliberate
Everybody knows relationships have their ups and downs. Most of the time, when it is in a slump, couples will just wait it out. After all, if you've been together for any amount of time you know that it will start to get better soon anyway.
Waiting it out isn't a bad idea, but it's also unnecessary. Instead of waiting for the tides to turn, do something deliberate. Plan a romantic evening, hire a babysitter, go to the movies, etc. Do anything other than what you're currently doing. It's what you're currently doing that is causing the rut your relationship is in. Do something deliberate to start getting it out.
2. Talk about the elephant in the room
You usually know when your relationship is in a rut. Think about it. You usually don't look forward to seeing your spouse as much. You don't talk together as much. And you don't make love as often, either. Instead of just staying in silence, talk about it out loud. Try to stay away from accusations or anything demeaning. A simple, "Honey, I don't feel like we've done anything fun together for a while," will do. Then, think of some suggestions of things you can do that will bring you closer.
3. Make intimacy a priority
The bedroom is a metaphor for your relationship. If the bedroom is stale and boring, your relationship will be stale and boring. And the reciprocal is true as well. That is, if your relationship is stale and boring, your bedroom will be, too. Sure, you can focus on something outside the bedroom to re-create some spark (and you should) but you can also focus on some things inside the bedroom. You'd be surprised how this will affect the rest of your relationship.
4. Check yourself
When a relationship is in a rut there's always something someone has done to get it there. A relationship takes two. That means that if your relationship is in a rut, you've done something to help get it there. That doesn't mean it's all your fault, but it does mean that there's something you can do to fix it. Just stop doing whatever you did that contributed to the rut in the first place. There's no shame in owning it. Take a good, long look at yourself and see what you did to help you land here. Then take the steps to get yourself out.
5. Books, blogs and articles
As a marriage counselor, Aaron Anderson, recommends a lot of books to couples who are having challenges in their relationship. He has also had a lot of couples who come to him after having read a few articles and tell him how helpful it was for them. Anything you do to help your relationship is better than nothing. And while there is a lot of bad information on the Internet, there's a lot of good stuff, too. You can also take a stroll through your local library or book store. There are all kinds of books out there on all kinds of topics. One of them has got to be decent for you.
So instead of waiting for the stars to re-align, take charge of your relationship and do something to get it out of the rut. It might now make everything better, but at least you'll get started down the right path. And it'll happen a lot sooner than an astronomical event.
Source: 5 Ways to get your Relationship out of a Rut
Saturday, December 20, 2014
Creating a Christmas of Love
Christmas is a time of joy, love, fun and connection with family and friends. Yet for many people Christmas is highly stressful and emotional.
There are many reasons why people don’t look forward to Christmas and in some cases dread it, but the main one seems to be stress and anxiety. So much to do, so little time and energy.
Christmas does not need to be overwhelming or a burden; a chore to be crossed off your list. In fact it can be a time where you truly connect not only with others but also with yourself and in the process rediscover what Christmas truly means to you.
Follow these 7 simple steps to a calm and happy Christmas and avoid being on Santa’s naughty list (again) this year.
1.Take time to work out what you value about Christmas and how you want to feel.
Before any preparations are made, lay the foundation by sitting quietly and contemplating what key values and emotions you want to experience throughout the Christmas season. Have a pad and pen handy to record a few your thoughts. For example, you may value laughter, ease and time to connect and want to feel light, relaxed and excited. Write these down and keep them handy as all your preparations and actions will be based on these.
2.Brain Dump everything out of your head and onto paper.
Let’s face it, there are quite a lot of things to do at this time of year so getting them clear is important. Leaving ideas and thoughts whirling around in your head only serves to overwhelm and drain you.Write everything you need and want to do onto paper and keep going until your head feels clear. When you do this you feel more in control and less chaotic.
3. Be realistic about what you can do.
We all want Christmas to be ‘perfect’ and truly memorable, especially if we have children. However, the striving for perfection is one of the main reasons people feel overwhelmed and burned out by the time the celebrations come. So be realistic about what can be done. Some things to consider here are the time you have available, your budget and your own expectations. Look at your list (from point number 2) using these considerations and cross off anything you know is really out of the ball park or unrealistic. Also, look back at your values and feelings list…do the things you have chosen to keep support these or take away from them. If they support then keep them, if not then cross them off.
4. Prioritise your list.
Now that you have looked at what is realistic for you on your list it is time to put the items into priority order. One of the best ways I have found to do this is to use a simple method by Stephen Covey call the Quadrant. I adapted the system somewhat to suit my mindset and style. Here is a picture of it as an example. Of course adapt it to suit your own needs.
Look at each item remaining on your list and start writing them into the appropriate sections. Now focus on the top two sections only, particularly the Important and Needs to be done daily or regularly section. Quadrant one shows you the things that need to be done as priority which is helpful but quadrant two shows you the things which refuel you and keep your energy sustained helping you to grow and move forward.This is essential. As to the other two boxes reduce, delegate or eliminate them altogether.
5. Schedule your priorities.
Take the items from quadrants one and two and put them in your diary, smart phone or calendar. Actually putting pen to paper and carving out time will lead to far greater success in achieving them. This is the action part where you are deliberating making time and space to get these things done. This is a vital part of the process and will allow you to move forward with sustained energy and control rather than procrastinating and panicking in a ball of overwhelm. An important note here: schedule in daily (yes, I said daily) self care to keep your mental, physical and spiritual well being flowing.
6. Your self care is crucial.
At this time of year things begin to ramp up considerably. As such, it only makes sense that your self care does also. Think of it like an insurance policy of sorts. Daily self care, even for 10 minutes will help to keep you balanced, focused and feeling good amidst the busyness. Some examples of self care are meditation, savouring a cup of your favourite hot beverage, yoga, gardening, curling up with a book and exercise. Do not skip this step thinking you don’t have time. (Besides, you wrote it down in step 5 as a priority didn’t you?).
7. Allow yourself to ‘Be Present’.
The pun about ‘present’ is definitely intended. It seems that Christmas is more and more about the presents we buy and receive or the ultra fancy holidays we go on. Don’t get me wrong I love presents and holidays but what I truly value is the love and connection with others. When I look at past Christmases, I don’t think about the gifts I got but rather the laughter, closeness and activities I shared with those I care about. The greatest gift you can give to yourself and to those you love is Your Presence. To really be with those you love, listening, sharing joy and being together.
By following these simple steps you will be in a much better mindset and energy to create a Christmas that you and your family and friends will love and remember.
Please feel free to share this post with a friend to help them in the run up to Christmas and as always leave a comment on the blog so I can connect with you.
Source: Creating Christmas Will Love
Soul Mate
Friday, December 19, 2014
4 Bedtime Habits That May Be Sabotaging Your Sex Life
Finding a longtime couple who complains about too much hot sex is about as unusual as coming across an ice cube in the Sahara.
For many, sex can grow a bit mundane after so many years with the same person. But all is not lost. You, too, can revitalize your sex life just by changing even a few of your everyday habits. Having been married for 22 years, I speak from experience. I also learned a few things by reaching out to Huff/Post50 contributor Ken Solin, who's also AARP's dating expert.
"If you're sex life is on auto-pilot that may mean you're not being fully present when you're making love with your partner. The same foreplay, position and orgasms are boring after a while," he said. "While it does require some amount of thought, it's helpful to try to make love at least a little differently each time. Change the foreplay menu. Avoid monotony by making love in new positions. The words 'boring' and 'sex' don't ever belong in the same sentence."
For additional help, here are four bedtime habits that may be killing your sex life. Have your own ideas? Let us know in comments.
1. An open bathroom door policy.
Yes, I realize the movie This is 40 showed Leslie Mann chatting with her husband Paul Rudd while he was on the toilet, but -- really -- your partner doesn't need to see you in the bathroom, or even cutting your toenails, no matter how close you two are. Leave a little mystery in the relationship and reap the rewards in the bedroom.
2. Wearing too many clothes.
I used to wear sweats all the time to bed. Bad idea! You want to have more sex? Go to bed wearing the same kind of sexy lingerie you used to wear when you were dating. Or, better yet, wear your birthday suit. And get ready to have some fun.
3. Asking your partner if he or she would like to make love.
Solin's advice? "Grab your partner, take your partner in your arms and kiss him or her deeply, without breaking away, until whether or not to have sex isn't the question ... but whether on the sofa, the bed, a chair or the floor is the question," he said.
4. Paying attention to the TV, your phone or your computer.
Don't just silence your phone. Leave it -- and your computer -- in the kitchen. You don't need them. And don't go to bed with the news on. Nothing kills the mood faster than the latest tragedy in the Middle East. A few years back, researchers released a study showing that couples who have a TV in their bedroom have sex half as often as those who don't. Sounds about right to me.
Rules of Dating,
Soul Mate
Thursday, December 18, 2014
5 Ways to Stay Connected In Our Digitally-Connected Age
We are connected to more people in more ways than ever before. But is the quality of our relationships better off? Here are five practical ways for how can we stay relationally connected in our hyper-connected, digitally-distracted age?The holidays have arrived .. and in an effort to disconnect from work and the pressures, many people will transferring their 'connectedness' over to social media to stay "connected".The sheer explosion of the digital revolution has made author Thomas Friedman Nostradamus-like when he predicted the world would become increasingly “flat."Not only has our world become “flat,” it has become “hyper-connected.” We cannot go anywhere without our digital devices, be it our smart phones, our computers, or other digital devices. In fact, it seems we are increasingly in a constant state of readiness to connect, do face-time, email, text or play one of a million addictive digital games. However, while the quantity_,_speed and reach of our ability to connect in the community continue to increase at a dizzying pace, the "quality" of our connection with each other is diminishing.It can feel at times that our technology is managing us and not the other way around.” At the risk of sounding like a Luddite, in light of this growing evidence, perhaps we need to take a deeper look at the full impact of our always-connected state.How can we stay relationally connected in our hyper-connected, digitally-distracted age? Here are five practical ways we can do this.
1. Do an eye contact check
- The next time you are talking with your friend, spouse, or co-worker, be self-aware enough to determine if you are looking directly into their eyes, or looking down at your smart phone while quasi-listening? Maintain eye contact and watch your conversations improve.
2. Set it down, walk away
- Physically set your smart phone, computer, iPad or other said digital device down, put it away, and literally walk away from it at least 3 times a day.
3. Choose a time to unplug
- Set an alarm at a pre-determined time every day that signals an exact time when you unplug and detach from the digital world. This means you are no longer available through your digital devices for the rest of that day or night.
4. Ask for accountability
- Invite your spouse, friend or roommate to keep you accountable in setting a pre-determined time to unplug and detach from your digital world.
5. Start with Facebook
- Facebook has over 800 million active users. This means one in every nine people on Earth is on Facebook. Facebook users spend an average of 15 hours and 33 minutes a month on the site. If you reduce your time on Facebook by 10 percent this month, you have just created 1.5 more hours to invest into your face-to-face friendships.Instead of allowing your digital world to control you, take control of your relationships by fully engaging yourself in undistracted, non-digital connecting time with your family and friends. When it comes to your relationships, perhaps it is time to tune in and log off, at the very least, put some rules in place for yourself and your loved one!
Wednesday, December 17, 2014
The 5 Best Christmas Gifts You Can Give This Year!
Christmas is about the gift of 'Presence' ... really being in the moment with those you love. Tina ...
At this time of year it can get frantic. People milling around in search of the perfect gifts to wrap and give, buying and hanging more decorations and more food for the festive feasting. It can be exhausting and drain not just your energy but your purse strings as well. There are a growing number of people that find this time of year very demanding and stressful and with consumerism reaching a fever pitch, they feel like skipping the whole shebang. It needn’t be like this and in my opinion, shouldn’t be like this. Christmas at it’s heart is about connection, laughter and love and it is that spirit that I wrote my list of The 5 Best Gifts You Can Give This Year.
1. Your Presence (not just your presents). To be truly available to those you love and care about is so precious. Focusing on listening, sharing and connecting is a gift that will keeping giving long after the decorations are put away. For some, it is the only time of the year that they get to catch up with certain people. Though it is a brief opportunity in terms of quantity or time, it is perfect in terms of quality by genuinely allowing yourself to be interested and available.
2. Forgiveness. This gift is solely for you; a gift of self love. Contrary to the opinion of some, forgiving others is not really about the other person but is in essence all about you. When you forgive someone, you are laying down the burden of anger, bitterness and resentment choosing instead to allow your natural joy and peace to return to you. This does not mean that you condone their actions or what they ‘did’ but rather that you will no longer let these actions control your feelings or behaviour. In this way, you have the choice to interact (or not) with this person on your own terms rather than being controlled by negative emotions.
Forgiveness allows you to focus on the present and future without battling the past. Tina Bandana
3. Kindness. This gift is much easier to give once you apply presence and forgiveness but can be done at any time not just Christmas. The key to being kind is two fold. Firstly, by being kind to ourselves, not judging ourselves too harshly or speaking unkindly in our self talk we are able to create a well spring of kindness. We can then draw upon this well to share with others. If there is nothing to draw from within ourselves we either find it incredibly hard to be kind to others or we do so from a place of obligation and resentment. The second key to kindness is to realise that when we are kind to others we feel good and get back positive energy. It is a practice that becomes a habit that adds to our life and is kept in balance by the awareness of being kind to ourselves first and foremost.
A candle loses none of it's light by lighting another. Unknown
4. Gratitude. Acknowledging how very blessed we are makes a huge difference to our lives. When we become aware of the many things to be grateful for our heart expands and we feel happiness, peace and joy (and isn’t that what life and Christmas are about?). Not only that, but by counting our blessings daily we become attuned to seeing and experiencing more to be grateful for. Gratitude opens the floodgates to abundance. Being healthy, surrounded by your loved ones, laughing ….these are just the beginning of our gratitude list.
Feeling Gratitude and not expressing it is like wrapping a present and not giving it. William
5. Love. Love makes the world go around and we all long to experience love and to give it. While presents are wonderful it is the love of another that makes the difference. Whether that be our parents, beloved, siblings, children or friends taking the time to be with them, sharing experiences and connections is what it is about. Loving ourselves a little more each day creates the space and expression to love others and on a greater scale enables us to love the wider human community.
I love you not only for what you are but for what I am when I am with you. Roy Croft
I wish you a Christmas surrounded by love, laughter and deep connection. May the gifts you give and receive light the sparks of gratitude and joy.
Soul Mate
Tuesday, December 16, 2014
Keeping Your Love Alive At A Distance
Saying goodbye's are never easy and when you need to say one to your other half, who is going miles away for work, traveling or studies ... it is all the more difficult.
Maintaining a healthy relationship when you are together is in itself not always easy with the pressures and stresses of life; maintaining a relationship when you are miles apart can be much more complex.
Time can have an impact on a long distance relationship as they can get influenced by problems like miscommunication, distrust and jealousy. Other people in your life, even friends and family can start to "contribute" and start off a cycle of mistrust.
Here's some advice on how to keep the fire of Romance and Love alive in your long distance relationship:
Be committed enough: First and foremost you need to understand that keeping a long distance relationship intact requires a lot of effort and commitment. Be true to yourself whether or not you really want to keep the relationship going. Maintaining such a relationship half heartedly is impossible.
Take advantage of new age technology: Cell phones, mobile phones, Internet, video chat, social media, skype and many such applications can help you stay in touch anytime anywhere and at almost no additional costs. Use these modes of communication generously to ensure that you stay in touch every day.
Give each other little surprises: Use the old age means of communications once in a while; write letters and send them through post; get a bunch of flowers or maybe even your loved one's favorite meal delivered to him now and again. These little steps will ensure that romance between the two of you never fades out.
Visit each other at regular intervals: Do not let the geographical distance discourage you to meet. Try and take turns to visit one another alternatively. Sure you could land up burning a small hole in your pocket but the visit will be worth every penny spent.
Resolve issues right away: If the two of you disagree over something, ensure you'll discuss it at length and sort it out immediately. Don't let pride and distrust overtake you; you need to set aside your ego to keep such a relation going.
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Keeping Your Love Alive at a Distance |
Maintaining a healthy relationship when you are together is in itself not always easy with the pressures and stresses of life; maintaining a relationship when you are miles apart can be much more complex.
Time can have an impact on a long distance relationship as they can get influenced by problems like miscommunication, distrust and jealousy. Other people in your life, even friends and family can start to "contribute" and start off a cycle of mistrust.
Here's some advice on how to keep the fire of Romance and Love alive in your long distance relationship:
Be committed enough: First and foremost you need to understand that keeping a long distance relationship intact requires a lot of effort and commitment. Be true to yourself whether or not you really want to keep the relationship going. Maintaining such a relationship half heartedly is impossible.
Take advantage of new age technology: Cell phones, mobile phones, Internet, video chat, social media, skype and many such applications can help you stay in touch anytime anywhere and at almost no additional costs. Use these modes of communication generously to ensure that you stay in touch every day.
Give each other little surprises: Use the old age means of communications once in a while; write letters and send them through post; get a bunch of flowers or maybe even your loved one's favorite meal delivered to him now and again. These little steps will ensure that romance between the two of you never fades out.
Visit each other at regular intervals: Do not let the geographical distance discourage you to meet. Try and take turns to visit one another alternatively. Sure you could land up burning a small hole in your pocket but the visit will be worth every penny spent.
Resolve issues right away: If the two of you disagree over something, ensure you'll discuss it at length and sort it out immediately. Don't let pride and distrust overtake you; you need to set aside your ego to keep such a relation going.
Monday, December 15, 2014
How Does It Feel To Be Loved By Someone
Love is such a beautiful feeling that almost anyone of us human beings need in order to live a happier life, and help us realize ourselves in all the other important issues that life is made of.
We need love to have a better career and work in an unstressed way, and a family that cares for us when we are in difficult times and in need of support. Being in love or feeling loved by someone is almost critical in our life, and so we search for love as just to make us feel better and conduct our lives in a healthier manner. In order for us to freely love someone else it is also important to understand that first we need to love ourselves in the best way possible and have a high esteem for our own soul. We need to love our personality and our own body and everything, or at least try to love almost everything about ourselves.
We might feel insecure about being loved by others in a way or another, surely for our weaknesses, but we need to be stronger in order to face and defeat our low points. The kind of love that we are aspiring to receive from another person also highly depends on our capabilities of being in love with ourselves, and with this we will more likely be appreciated and reciprocally loved in the same manner. Embracing love and all of it’s characteristics makes you achieve rewarding moments, when for example you feel that everything is falling apart around you, and then having someone that loves you just makes you feel emotionally better, and you feel certain that the person you have beside will embrace you with comfort. Life is made out of good and bad moments and love simply helps you out and supports you in the bad ones.
When we are receiving love from another person, our own personality changes, and in the same time gives us the ability to tackle life in a different and less pessimistic way. Difficult tasks may all of the sudden become easier to deal with, since love affects us in a positive way whatever kind of things we are doing. Affection, tenderness and compassion are all love qualities that we are always searching for, and when in a relationship, we try to share the love we feel for our partner, and value her for the happiness that she gives us, making an effort to receive the same value of love from them. Real and true love makes a couple acquire stability in a relationship, making it stronger and unbreakable to any kind of temptation from other people trying to interfere in the love story.
So as a final thought let’s just try to understand that love is like a key that is given to us to use properly in order to receive a happier and decent life, and conduct a better living with other human beings.
We need love to have a better career and work in an unstressed way, and a family that cares for us when we are in difficult times and in need of support. Being in love or feeling loved by someone is almost critical in our life, and so we search for love as just to make us feel better and conduct our lives in a healthier manner. In order for us to freely love someone else it is also important to understand that first we need to love ourselves in the best way possible and have a high esteem for our own soul. We need to love our personality and our own body and everything, or at least try to love almost everything about ourselves.
We might feel insecure about being loved by others in a way or another, surely for our weaknesses, but we need to be stronger in order to face and defeat our low points. The kind of love that we are aspiring to receive from another person also highly depends on our capabilities of being in love with ourselves, and with this we will more likely be appreciated and reciprocally loved in the same manner. Embracing love and all of it’s characteristics makes you achieve rewarding moments, when for example you feel that everything is falling apart around you, and then having someone that loves you just makes you feel emotionally better, and you feel certain that the person you have beside will embrace you with comfort. Life is made out of good and bad moments and love simply helps you out and supports you in the bad ones.
When we are receiving love from another person, our own personality changes, and in the same time gives us the ability to tackle life in a different and less pessimistic way. Difficult tasks may all of the sudden become easier to deal with, since love affects us in a positive way whatever kind of things we are doing. Affection, tenderness and compassion are all love qualities that we are always searching for, and when in a relationship, we try to share the love we feel for our partner, and value her for the happiness that she gives us, making an effort to receive the same value of love from them. Real and true love makes a couple acquire stability in a relationship, making it stronger and unbreakable to any kind of temptation from other people trying to interfere in the love story.
So as a final thought let’s just try to understand that love is like a key that is given to us to use properly in order to receive a happier and decent life, and conduct a better living with other human beings.
Sunday, December 14, 2014
There Are No Stupid Questions About Love
Ask yourself the question ... when it comes to love ... will you ever have all the answers?
The one way you can start to find the answers is by asking questions ... and when it comes to love and loving, there are not any stupid questions ... or answers.
There always seem to be more to learn about love, and just when you think you are starting to get the answers, life happens and we get a totally different view on things.
Reality comes down to getting and giving love where you can get and give love, however trivial or serious the source of the love may seem to be.
Love is a feeling and emotion that transcends seriousness or trivial silliness. Treat Love as the value it is and use it carefully and make sure you do not abuse it.
When you realize that you are not just considering love by searching through "stupid" questions or answers about love, it is all about context, understanding and the realities about love. As we mature and expand our experience of life, and love ... we start to create new meanings, new understandings and a whole new series of values that surround it.
Love is something to be experienced, a sensation or gamut of emotions that run through our lives dancing, twirling and mesmerizing even the disillusioned amongst us.
To open up the possibilities, start asking the questions, the crazy, zany, fun, serious, hard, impossible, insipid and even the most colourful to expand your experience of creating an experience that transcends where you are right now!
The one way you can start to find the answers is by asking questions ... and when it comes to love and loving, there are not any stupid questions ... or answers.
There always seem to be more to learn about love, and just when you think you are starting to get the answers, life happens and we get a totally different view on things.
Reality comes down to getting and giving love where you can get and give love, however trivial or serious the source of the love may seem to be.
Love is a feeling and emotion that transcends seriousness or trivial silliness. Treat Love as the value it is and use it carefully and make sure you do not abuse it.
When you realize that you are not just considering love by searching through "stupid" questions or answers about love, it is all about context, understanding and the realities about love. As we mature and expand our experience of life, and love ... we start to create new meanings, new understandings and a whole new series of values that surround it.
Love is something to be experienced, a sensation or gamut of emotions that run through our lives dancing, twirling and mesmerizing even the disillusioned amongst us.
To open up the possibilities, start asking the questions, the crazy, zany, fun, serious, hard, impossible, insipid and even the most colourful to expand your experience of creating an experience that transcends where you are right now!
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