Friday, November 28, 2014

Find Out the Habits of Women In Happy Relationships

Do you have a friend who brags about her love life?

That friend who you can’t help but roll your eyes at whenever she tells you what her seemingly perfect guy did (like when he got off work early to spend more time with her.)
You can’t help but feel a little bit annoyed at what’s going well in her relationship when yours isn’t measuring up, right?
But you know what? 
Love isn’t just a roll of the dice. There are actually a few simple habits you can cultivate to turn your love life from disappointing to mind-blowing.

Here are 7 things that women do to stay happy in their relationship:

1. They Get High Together

There are really 2 different kinds of moods—high and low.
High moods are those feelings that are good (like laughing all night or cuddling on Sunday morning).
Low moods on the other hand are things that feel bad (like stupid arguments about chores or smashing your head against a brick wall).
Women in great relationships focus on the high moods. They pay more attention to their partner’s positive qualities rather than his faults.
When you focus more on what you don’t like, you will create more feelings of negativity and a low mood that fuels disconnect.

2. Is This The Hill You Want to Die On?

Successful relationships are about teamwork. Remember that the two of you should work together rather than play the role of opponents.
When you start to feel your blood boil, ask yourself if this is really the hill you’d like your relationship to die on.

3. Put Away the Death Ray

No one is perfect, and I’m sure your guy is no different.
However, before you vent your anger or frustration when he makes a mistake, remember that he is a human being, who goes through the same emotional dilemmas you do.
He may not do everything you want him to, or he might do it his own way, but that doesn’t mean that he doesn’t care or that you aren’t a priority to him.
Take a moment and put away the “death ray,” and try to see life through his eyes before you “let him have it.”

4. Open the Kimono

It may feel scary to show your partner parts of yourself that you feel uneasy about, it can actually bring the two of you closer together.
Sharing a darker side of yourself with others can be difficult. When you can show your partner that side (your fears, pain, old trauma, etc.) he’ll feel more comfortable opening up to you.
You don’t have to face the hard times alone, open the kimono and bare it all.

5. Rise to the Challenge

Relationships are an amazing test for our personal development.
Nowhere else in life do you need to develop qualities like trust, loyalty, commitment, empathy, and forgiveness.
Relationships find ways of challenging us to open our selves up to greater vulnerability.
If you want to break a cycle of bad relationships or salvage a troubled relationship, then it may be time to look within and rise to the challenge that is being presented.
Don’t expect your relationship to keep growing unless you keep growing as well.

6. It’s Not Always About You

It’s easy to get upset when he forgets to call you, doesn’t text you back right away, or would rather spend the afternoon hanging out with his buds.
After all, aren’t you good enough for him to treat you right?
Chances are, whatever he’s doing isn’t really about you.
It’s not that he doesn’t love you, and it’s not that you’re not enough of a woman to deserve love.
Chances are his behavior says more about what he’s going through than it does about you.

7. Forget the Chocolate

I know you want the romance, the passion, the grand romantic gestures. Who doesnt?
I mean, what else will get your heart all twitterpated like the ending of a good romance movie.
But you know what?
Relationships don’t happen on the romantic dates with the flowers and the chocolates. Relationships live and die by the small moment-by-moment choices we make or refuse to make on a daily basis.
And the ultimate question is: are you going to be the type of woman who will embrace these 7 habits to have the happy relationship you want in your heart?
You Turn: Why do you think some woman can be in great relationships while others struggle?

About Mika Maddela

In addition to helping people find the love of their dreams, Mika Maddela is an avid unicorn wrangler and cookie aficionado.
Together, with her husband Clay, Mika helps women find, attract, and keep a great relationship with high quality men at Loving Boldly.

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